Welcome to the ISD Online Directory

Please complete your family profile to be included in the directory and then make a membership donation to access the directory from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

Directory F.A.Q.

Who has access to my contact information? 
Only paid members if the ISD PTA (current ISD parents and staff) will have access to an online directory of ISD families using their own personal username and password.

Can I choose which information I wish to publish? 
Yes! You can choose exactly what information you would like other ISD parents and staff to see. 

Is my contact information secure?
Membership Toolkit (the website provider) makes every effort to ensure that your information is kept private. They do not share our information with any other parties or use it for their marketing purposes. The information is property of the ISD PTA. 


Is there an app?
A FREE Membership Toolkit app is available from iTunes and the Android store for quick access to your directory from your phone or tablet.

Can I update my contact information at any time?
Yes, we encourage you to keep your information up to date. Please also make sure to report any changes to Ms. White in the main office. 

Will I have to re-enter my information next year?
No, we will send you an email asking you to update your information. All you have to do is approve your profile and purchase membership and you are all set. We will even move your kids up a grade before the start of school. 

What if I don't know my child's teacher yet?
Leave the teacher selection blank and we will enter teacher information once the class lists are released.


Our family has two households, should we create separate accounts? 

Yes. Please create a separate account so you can have separate transactions on the site.  


Will I immediately have access to the directory after I pay for membership?

No. Our membership team needs to first confirm that you are a current ISD family, then they will grant you access to the directory. We go through this approval process to make sure only our ISD families have access to the private directory information.