Who We Are 

The ISD PTA is comprised of dedicated parents, teachers and staff who volunteer their time and give generous donations to provide practical support for our school. That practical support comes in many shapes and sizes and requires a lot of volunteers. These volunteers all work in concert to further the mission of the ISD PTA.




To enrich and augment the GPS and ISD IB Primary Years Curriculum. Curriculum Enrichment is a cornerstone of our mission and provides staff and children the opportunity touch, see, feel and experiment in and out of the classroom while providing a spectrum of fun, educational and exciting experiences.


To enhance the school through beautification, staff support, technology, teaching tools and capital improvements.


To encourage a sense of community and belonging. ISD is much like big extended family and that is in large part due to our many outreach programs, family events and activities. We are not your average neighborhood school; roughly 45% of our students are admitted via lottery and the other 55% are from the ISD district, so we strive to reach out to all of our families and create a sense of unity and belonging.


To provide a voice for our community and children to advocate for a higher level of engagement and communication within our school and district.


Our organization

The International School at Dundee Parents and Teacher Association (ISD PTA) is a membership organization. This means that the decisions of how we raise and spend money are decided by the membership. We are also recognized by the IRS as exclusively for charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes (code 501(c)(3)). The ISD PTA, along with all of the other PTAs of Greenwich Public Schools, is governed by and works in conjunction with:

  • PTA Council of Greenwich (PTAC)
  • Connecticut Congress of Parents, Teachers and Students (Connecticut PTSA)
  • National Congress of Parents and Teachers (the National PTA)

Our bylaws are based on best practices and templates from these organizations, which we have modified for our particular school. These bylaws set forth the procedures that the ISD PTA follows with the objectives of proper governance and accountability for the decisions on programming and fundraising made by our organization. Our bylaws include the requirement that we hold general meetings open to all ISD PTA members three times a year. At these General Membership Meetings we share programming and budgetary details with our membership and ask the members to vote on important decisions. At the General Membership Meeting each June, the membership approves the Executive Board slate and budget for the following year.


If you would like to read the bylaws of the ISD PTA, please inquire in the main office.
If you have any inquiries regarding the ISD PTA, please feel free to contact our PTA Presidents at presidents@isdpta.org.